CyberCrimeCon 2021

Organised by Group-IB (2 Dec 2021)

Positioned as a Global Threat Hunting & Intelligence Conference, Group-IB focuses on cybercrime in their annual CyberCrimeCon. Presentation slides and videos are available in the link.

The agenda line-up is as follow with speakers from Group-IB, Interpol, Europol, SentinelOne, CyberSOC Africa, IstroSec, Positive Technologies, VNPT Cyber Immunity and Computest:

  1. Hi-Tech Crime Trends 2021-2022

  2. Zero trust, why trust!

  3. Carding Action, a joint effort combating online fraud

Track 1: Cybercrime groups

  1. EvilCorp: Investigation Insights

  2. The rise and fall of the Fraud Family

  3. Unexpected guests: Who is selling access to your network

  4. Still the Number 1 cyber threat: the latest changes in ransomware attacks

  5. Kill One, Kill All: Taking down a known bank fraud syndicate group

Track 2: Espionage & Vulnerabilities

  1. APT Cobalt Strike campaign targeted European governments

  2. APT41’s 2021 world tour: analysis of fresh campaigns and tips for tracking them down

  3. Master of disguise: APT ChamelGang and its arsenal

  4. The Art of Cyberwarfare - APTs in APAC behind Espionage Campaigns

  5. Attacking Java deserialization

  6. Hacking the pandemic’s most popular software: Zoom

Some broad strategic intelligence where speakers cover the overview and trends for ransomware, access brokers, financial threat landscape, phishing and scam landscape, and nation state actor landscape. Some talks dove into tactical and operational intelligence illustrating the techniques adversaries used and tracking APT and cybercrime groups. The speakers explained and showed TTPs, victims and how they attributed the attacks. The presentations have a good mix and balance of strategic and in-depth technical information.

Last updated